
What is the difference between cytosol and cytoplasm?

Cytoplasm is a fluid that fills the cell. It contains the cytosol and the cell organelles such as mitochondria, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and vacuoles, are suspended in the cytoplasm.

The fluid part of the cytoplasm outside the organelles is called cytosol. It contains water, nutrients, salts (ions), and waste products.

The cytoplasm is similar to the plasma of the blood. It is the place where the metabolic activities of a cell such as protein synthesis occurs. Metabolic activities in the cytoplasm include both building molecules (anabolism) and breaking down molecules (catabolism). The enzymes in the cytoplasm break down certain large molecules into small molecules and there are also enzymes that help to assemble certain small molecules into bigger molecules. Thus, the cytoplasm is an active part of the cell. The products produced in the cytoplasm are used by the organelles of the cell.


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The following are the functions of cytoplasm, except _______.